Determination of vegetation cover trends based on the calculation of the normalized vegetation index on the example of Petrykivskyi district of Dnipropetrovsk region


  • Iryna Omelych Dniprovskyi State Technical University, Ukraine
  • Anastasiia Yaremenko Dniprovskyi State Technical University, Ukraine
  • Nataliia Neposhyvailenko Dniprovskyi State Technical University, Ukraine
  • Ihor Ghoraj HarvEast Holding, Kyiv, Ukraine



normalized vegetation index, vegetation, multispectral cosmograms, geoinformation technologies


The technique of analyzing using Spatial Analyst ArcGIS Desktop tools was developed to determine the nature of vegetation changes based on a normalized vegetation index. Geoinformation analysis was carried out on the example of Petrykivskyi district of Dnipropetrovsk region for the period 2016-2018. The applied technique allowed to correctly interpret the water surface, artificial materials, as well as land with and without vegetation. Ranking by such categories made it possible to identify areas with sparse vegetation (farmland, pastures) and dense vegetation (tree plantations, forest areas), and to estimate their area. Spatial Analyst tools constructed vegetation maps according to the normalized vegetation index and calculated changes in vegetation density during 2016-2018.


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How to Cite

Omelych, I., Yaremenko, A., Neposhyvailenko, N., & Ghoraj, I. (2019). Determination of vegetation cover trends based on the calculation of the normalized vegetation index on the example of Petrykivskyi district of Dnipropetrovsk region. Ukrainian Journal of Remote Sensing, (23), 9–13.



Earth observation data applications: Challenges and tasks