Estimation of mutual subpixel shift between satellite images: software implementation




satellite imagery, subpixel shift, software implementation


The special-purpose software implementation for estimating the subpixel shift between satellite images using advanced computer technology is described in this paper. The automatic calculation of the mutual subpixel shift between a pair of digital satellite images by correlation algorithm is performed. The proposed implementation was tested on a statistically representative number of satellite images and reached acceptable accuracy in determining their subpixel shift values.


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How to Cite

Stankevich, S., Popov, M., Shklyar, S., Sukhanov, K., Andreiev, A., Lysenko, A., Kun, X., Cao, S., Yupan, S., & Boya, S. (2020). Estimation of mutual subpixel shift between satellite images: software implementation. Ukrainian Journal of Remote Sensing, (24), 9–14.



Techniques for Earth observation data acquisition, processing and interpretation