Justification of choosing the test sites, establishment of their criteria and parameters for the studies on hydrocarbon potential estimation of the interior of the earth by combining geological, geophysical, and aerospace information


  • Oleksandr Azimov Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" O. Honchar str., 55-b, 01054, Kyiv, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5210-3920




choosing test sites, establishment of criteria, geological and geophysical information, remote sensing data, data combining, oil-and-gas-bearing assessment, Dnieper-Donets Depression, Leventsivka field


This paper introduces the requirements for ground calibration and verification testing sites and test plots within them, as well as some features of hydrocarbon accumulations located on their territories. This information is necessary for verification (calibration) of remote sensing data and conducting research on the analysis of the oil and gas potential of territories through the integration of aerospace technologies and geological-geophysical surveys. As a case study the Leventsivka gas-condensate field and the adjacent areas of the Dnieper-Donets Depression, which are a factographic constituent of remote sensing research of a region of interest are bridged to the Coordinate Reference System and their informativeness are analyzed to provide the problem-oriented identification. Basic information about the landscape and geological features of the deposit area and its gas potential are presented. In particular, after the processing the proper passports the results of testing for 12 deep drilling wells at the gas field with the available geographic coordinates were analyzed and presented in tabular form. It was concluded that the distribution of formations of sedimentary cover heterogeneous in their properties across the Leventsivka area gives grounds to estimate differentially the level for oil-and-gas potential of its rocks. Overview of the urgent further studies of a priori geological, geophysical, geochemical and other parameterized data has been proposed, which characterized the different attributive properties of the real geological environment among which is its oil and gas content.


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How to Cite

Azimov, O. (2024). Justification of choosing the test sites, establishment of their criteria and parameters for the studies on hydrocarbon potential estimation of the interior of the earth by combining geological, geophysical, and aerospace information. Ukrainian Journal of Remote Sensing, 11(1), 7–20. https://doi.org/10.36023/ujrs.2024.11.1.254



Techniques for Earth observation data acquisition, processing and interpretation